After we left the market, I knew I had some nice images, and goodies. I drove away wishing I had thought to get some names and addresses from vendors there....the woman who sold me citron-salt, or the one with the beautiful bouquet I shot and bought, or the guy with the gorgeous mushrooms I would have bought if I had been planning to cook any day this week (I'm not).
I saw a "real" photographer shooting at the market and didn't think too much of it, until just now when I opened the Metropolitan section of the New York Times and saw the full page article: "Specialty Foods Find a Traditional Niche" That's the mushroom guy! Good to know.
I'll have to go back next week to find out who was selling that beautiful fresh pasta, the fairy eggplant, the salt and 'day boat' fish. By then I should be ready to throw a real party and indulge in all my favorite foods.....starting with those mushrooms.